Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Tokyoflash Design Studio Blog and You

The Tokyoflash Design Studio Blog is more important than you might think. Whether you are just a fan of Tokyoflash Japan or someone with a new watch idea, you should be paying more attention to the Design Studio Blog then you probably already are.

If you are a fan of Tokyoflash, the Design Studio Blog is the place for you to help decide which designs get made. You help by voting how many stars you think the design deserves out of a five star scale. You also help by clicking "yes" or "no" in the "would you buy this product" area of the blog. Both parts of this voting process are located immediately to the left and right of the bottom of the watch design. It is important to note that you may only vote within 30 days of the posting of a design on the blog. Finally, you can also post comments that will be seen by other fans, the designer of the watch, and Tokyoflash itself. Your comments could help shape the future of the design! Hopefully it is now clear why you should be participating in voting on the Tokyoflash Design Studio Blog more often.

If you fancy yourself someone that can design a watch that fits the Tokyoflash standards of being unique and awesome, you could find yourself raking in up to $20,000 or more in royalties. The Tokyoflash Design Studio Blog doesn't even require you to create 3d images as there are staff members that can handle that part. If you have ever had an idea for a unique watch and you think it has a shot, send it in to Tokyoflash! The worst that can happen is they pass on your idea, the best that can happen is you make money off of the royalties and can tell your friends that you helped design a watch, do you know anyone that can say that?

I hope that you have already seen the Tokyoflash Design Studio Blog before now. If you haven't, the link to the blog can be found here. If you have an idea, check out this link here. Make sure to vote if you are a fan. Make sure to follow the example of how to submit a design if you decide to submit a design. 


  1. I'm liking this new blog! seems like a good place to keep up to date on Tokyoflash in general, and the Design Studio blog, but more laid back than the DSB. I approve :D

  2. Thanks Ninjanomicory, please let anyone you know that enjoys Tokyoflash Japan products about my blog!

  3. Is this still current? If we post designs this year are they able to be picked for production?
